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Kid Stuff
8 Places to Take Your Kids Before They’ve Grown Up
Make Your Own Slip N Slide {For Tons of Summer Fun}
Chalk It Up! 8 Sidewalk Chalk Ideas That WIll Get Any Kid Outdoors
Give Your Kids A Space To Create: 10 Tips for A Kids Craft Room
I don’t know that I’d have ever really considered giving my kids their own work space or craft room until it just sort of happened. My kids were really good at using my craft room and either leaving messes, using my supplies, or even losing my supplies. It was obvious to me that my children were wanting to explore their creativity and the arts, and, being a creative junky myself, who was I to not find a way to give them a room of their own? As I sought out ways to make a craft room for my kids, here are 10 tips I found along the way.
What to Do If Your Child Has Colic
My sister-in-law recently went through the experience of having a colicky newborn. Colic is still a bit of a riddle to doctors, but it’s characterized by a seemingly healthy baby that cries 3 or more hours a day, at least 3 days a week, for over at least a 3 week period. It eventually works itself out, but the hardest part of it all is trying to understand what, if anything, your baby needs. For already exhausted new moms, it can cause additional stress and sleep deprivation. As my sister-in-law went through this experience, It got us doing as much research as we could to learn how best to care for a colicky baby. Here are 8 tips she learned for what to do if your child has colic.