Parenting can be so difficult sometimes. It’s hard to know what you should and should not let your kids do. Here is a list of things you should let your kid do to help them live their best life.

Things You Should Let Your Kid Do
1. Care For Physical Health
Not just exercise, but let your kids see you taking care of your health in general. This includes healthy food choices, making regular doctor appointments, and taking care of your emotional and spiritual wellbeing as well. Children need to know that it’s good to be active and proactive when it comes to good health and disease prevention.

2. Serve Others
Giving of our time and talents to other people is, in my opinion, one of the greatest purposes in life. I have found that I am happiest in life when I am serving others in some form or another. It’s one reason I believe I enjoy teaching so much. But make it a point to also step out of your normal routine to volunteer and serve (without grumbling) so that your children can learn from your example.

3. Pursue Your Passions
Let your children see you actively pursue your interests and passions. Let them know that life is best when you are actively seeking to express your creativity and challenging the right side of your brain. Your example will also show them that there’s no need to be afraid of new and challenging pursuits.

4. Budget & Save
While I don’t at all think parents should put their financial stresses and worries on their children, it IS recommended that you show them the importance of creating a budget and living within your means. Help them understand the cost of day-to-day living as well as the cost of education, entertainment, recreation, and travel.

5. Learn
Of course the teacher recommends that you let your children see you learning something new. But I couldn’t believe with any more of my heart than I already do. Your children need to see that learning and personal growth don’t stop with graduation from high school or college. You are a person who continually seeks to improve yourself and your understanding of the world around you. Better yet, let your children see you learn from a source that isn’t computer-based. Knowledge and wisdom are most meaningful when we learn from other people. Finally, let your children see you enjoy what you are learning as well as the struggles that come with mastering new information.

6. Be Spiritual
However you practice spirituality, you should let your children observe you in times of quiet, inward reflection. It’s important for kids to see that life is at its best when we find a balance of both intrinsic and extrinsic stretching.

7. Respect Opposite Sex
Whether married or single, it’s important to let your children see and hear you have healthy relationships with people of the opposite sex. Be affectionate with your spouse, showing your children how to love and be loved. If you are single or divorced, be careful not to project hurt, lonely, or angry feelings from past relationships out onto your kids. Help children see that although some relationships go badly, doesn’t mean they all will.

8. Love Yourself
In today’s hyper-photoshopped world, loving yourself is perhaps the hardest thing women struggle with. All the more reason that it’s more important than ever (!!!) to show your children, girls and boys alike, how to love themselves. This often requires a total mind shift in how we think and speak to ourselves. It likely won’t be easy. It’ll require persistence. But it’s worth it and it’s even more worth while when we consider the effect our efforts will have on our children.

I hope these tips on things you should let your kid do helps you out. Looking for more parenting advice? Check out my post on 10 discipline mistakes all parents should avoid making.
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