Virtual sleepover ideas are a great idea in today’s COVID-19 world. For any of those times when you can’t host an in-person sleepover for your kids, a virtual sleepover is the next best thing. Here are some ideas to help you throw an unforgettable virtual sleepover!

Virtual Sleepover Ideas

Pre-Sleepover Goodies
Before the day of your sleepover, sit down with your kids and decide on a theme for the party. This isn’t absolutely necessary, but it does help to tie everything together. A theme also helps provide even more ideas for a fun night. With your theme as inspiration, send out pre-sleepover good bags to your virtual guests. The goodie bag helps everyone feel like they still get to do everything together, even if they’re apart. Here are some ideas:
- Matching pajamas that go with the sleepover theme {if budget allows}
- Bags of popcorn
- Movie theater candy
- Bottled water, soda, or chocolate milk
- A special pillowcase to remember the evening
- Sleep masks and comfy socks {find these at Dollar Tree!}

Virtual Games & Activities
A sleepover is more fun with games and activities everyone can enjoy. It may be trickier to pull off virtually, but it can be done. Here are some ideas to inspire your virtual sleepover activities:
- Assign a color to each guest, and have them wear pajamas in that color
- Ask each guest to model their color theme with pajamas and fun props
- Watch a movie together via Netflix Party–the extension that allows people in different locations to watch the same movie at the same time
- Choose some activities to do together, such as painting nails, making crafts or painting

Virtual Gab Session
Whatever you do for your kids’ online sleepover, allow time for them to just sit and talk and catch up with each other. That may actually end up being the biggest hit of the night!

More Virtual Ideas For Your Sleepover
There are a lot more ways to enjoy the night during a sleepover–even if it’s virtual:

- Set up a sing-along or karaoke competition
- Create a themed playlist for the night and have a big dance party
- Get a mom demonstrate how to bake cookies, and then do a no-contact delivery to share them with everyone
- Use an app to play an online game together
There are so many things you can do. Have fun!