The newest big thing in baby nurseries is personalized nursery decor. Birth stat signs take your baby’s nursery to a whole new level. Today’s post has inspiration to help you choose personalized nursery decor you can definitely live with. Once the baby grows, their name or birth stat sign will become an heirloom to treasure. Here are some of my favorite birth stats nursery decor ideas.

Birth Stats Nursery Decor
At Etsy, you will find tons of handmade, personalized nursery decor to love! One of my favorites is this personalized sign from Forever Wedding Crafts. This is a custom sign made from birch wood, and the price is insanely reasonable!

You will also find this custom birth details wall art made by Little Lady Print Shop. This is a custom printable file which is sent to you for printing. There are a whole slew of colors to choose from, in a variety of sizes.

A growth chart is another option for personalized nursery decor. Wayfair has a ton of options to choose from, so no matter what your nursery theme is, there is a personalized growth chart to match.
Amazon is yet another place to find personalized nursery decor. I love this personalized decal you can easily install on any wall in the baby’s nursery.
A picture frame is a great way to showcase baby’s birth stats in a way you can save forever. This is a solid wood frame that is made to last.

At Oopsy Daisy, find lots of unique styles of personalized nursery decor, like this Happy Animal Herd personalized wall art. This is a large 24×18 canvas with a resin finish that gives your personalized wall art a really beautiful finish.

Finally, check out Paper Source for personalized prints perfect for baby’s nursery. Their designs are printed on #130 weight paper that is made of 30% post-consumer recycled content. If you are concerned about being environmentally friendly, these prints fit the bill.

Now that your nursery is all set up, don’t forget to check out my post on how to survive your first month as a new mom.