If you’ve ever reached the last day of school before Christmas break, only to have your child announce that he needs some gifts to give his friends, you know how frustrating that last minute shopping trip can be! So today’s post is all about helping you be prepared for little emergencies with Christmas gift ideas for kids friends.
Christmas Gift Ideas For Kids Friends

Get your craft on and help your kids make felt ornaments for their friends. It’s always nice to give and receive a homemade gift, and that goes for kids too. Teach them how to make something new and learn the art of giving gifts with heart.

No one would complain about receiving a gift bag of chocolates, of any kind! My kids also like to buy giant sized bars of chocolate, wrap them in cute wrapping paper, and attach a cute tag. Their friends love it!

If you are planning to make homemade cookies for the neighbors this year, just make another batch or two while you’re at it. Let the kids help decorate the ones that they’ll give to their friends. It’s a tasty gift that took just a little bit of thought and effort.

Purchase giant mugs and fill them with all the things needed to make a really great cup of hot chocolate. That could include hot chocolate mix packets, marshmallows, peppermint sticks, and chocolate chips. This is a fun gift for your kids’ friends that they can enjoy all winter long.

Tween and teen girls love to make and give homemade bath bombs. It’s also a great teacher gift idea! You’ll find some good bath bomb recipes at Sunlit Spaces.

For gifts for your kids’ friends on a budget, don’t be afraid to check out Dollar Tree. They’ve got fun stuff for kids’ Christmas gifts, including 300 to 500 count puzzles, sets of Army figures, bubble bath and body lotions, and more. Give your kids a set amount and let them do the shopping!