Create a Sleep Schedule
My Mom always told me how important it was to put my babies on a feeding and sleeping schedule. Guess what, Mom? You were totally right! Putting your baby on a schedule can make your life a lot easier, and it can make your baby’s life a lot more predictable! As your baby gets older, they will need more hours of sleep.
Here’s how much sleep your baby needs during the first year of it’s life. Use this to plan out a schedule!
1 Week Old: Your baby might sleep from 16-18 hours per day, but only 8 hours of sleep is required at night.
6 Weeks: 8.5 hours of sleep at night time is recommended.
3 Months: 9 hours at night. Now is a good time to start enforcing a bedtime routine.
6 Months: Babies should be getting 10 hours of sleep. Begin sleep training your kiddo now!
9 Months: 11 hours of sleep is needed.
12 Months: Kids should be getting about 12 hours of sleep every night. If you are still struggling with sleep habits at the 1 year mark, it’s recommended that you reach out to your pediatrician for advice and guidance.
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