This year, instead of doing New Year’s resolutions on your own, why not team up with your kids? It’s a great way to teach them how to make and set goals from a young age. And that’s a valuable skill to learn! Here are some ideas to help you accomplish it.
New Year’s Resolutions for Kids & Families
Here are some ideas for New Year’s resolutions that work great for kids and families to work on together. Some are pretty easy, they just require you to think about it and talk with the kids about actually doing it. Others may take more effort, but all of them are worth doing.
- Start a new weekly tradition. For example, every Monday night could be family game night. Or every Thursday night could be movie night. The point is to make family time important.
- Make a resolution to do more service as a family. Serve at a refugee center or help out an elderly neighbor. The kids can give plenty of input on this, and then they’ll enjoy it even more.
- Get more physical activity as a family. This can mean a weekly hike, bike ride or walk to the park to play. Whatever it is, it’s healthy for everyone!
- Talk as a family about putting down the devices more often. Set out a basket to hold phones during dinner, at bedtime, and during those family weekly activities. Decide together how to accomplish this goal so everyone is on board.
- Could you do better at recycling? Get the kids to help out with a new family goal to recycle more. Start a kitchen compost bin or save and donate plastic grocery bags to a local homeless shelter to make sleeping mats. There are a lot ways to be more earth-friendly as a family.
- Instead of setting a goal to eat healthier, set a smaller, more definitive goal that will accomplish the same thing. For example, as a family decide to eat more vegetables. Let each person take turns choosing a new vegetable to try at dinner.
Team up with your kids to achieve New Year’s resolutions, and everyone benefits. Here are some more ideas for making the most of family time.
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