Every now and again in my 3rd grade class I’ll get a student who still sucks his/her thumb. 3rd grade is kind of a transition age where babyish behaviors like thumb sucking don’t leave you a huge target for bullying but also when social divisions do start being created. I see the struggle my students go through as they want to hold on to comforting behaviors but also to mature with their peers. I myself sucked my thumb until I was 7. I honestly can’t explain why I held on to the behavior for as long as I did, but after 3 years of braces and head gear, I can confidently say I wish I’d actually listened to my mom’s constant nagging to pull my thumb out of my mouth. I have another student this year struggling with the bad habit and I’d really like to help her out. So after some digging (and reliving some bucky childhood memories), here are some suggestions for how to get your child to stop sucking their thumb.
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