One of the big questions parents encounter when their kids start school concerns rewards for good grades. Should you pay your kids for good grades? Some parents do and some don’t, and they all have varying opinions. And even among those who do pay their kids for good grades, there are wide differences in amounts and household rules over it. Today we’re looking at this question, and the pros and cons of paying your kids for good grades.
Tips & Tricks
Inspirational Sack Lunch Notes To Make Your Child’s Day
When you were a kid, did your mom ever leave you a note in your sack lunch? If not, it’s never too late to make sure your own kids have that experience. Sack lunch notes are an easy way to remind your child that you care. An inspirational sack lunch note even gives your child that little boost of confidence they need in their day. Today we have ideas for inspirational sack lunch notes that will make your child’s day.
DIY Pencil Tennis Shoes For Your Kids {Or Their Teacher!}
Back To School Tips For Your Child’s Successful Start
Before your child heads back to school, get him ready with these back to school tips that will help ensure a successful start. Back to school can be a time filled with stress and anxiety for a child, but with the right tips you can help relieve that stress or even prevent it before it starts. Here is what you should do to get ready.