Use a Timer
Your child might struggle with homework because it seems like an insurmountable task. They’ve just sat though 7-8 hours of school so the idea of sitting down for more work is pretty overwhelming. One focus strategy we use in my classroom is to take short “Brain Breaks” about every 30-45 minutes. It doesn’t have to be anything super fancy, just a quick bathroom break, singing along with a favorite song, doing 50 jumping jacks… just anything that gets blood flowing and lets the mind wander. For getting through homework, set a timer and take a Brain Break every 10-15 minutes. Choose little activities that will motivate your child like building a small 20 piece Lego set or sharing a few Laffy Taffy jokes. A word of caution though: Be weary of Brain Breaks involving electronics. Devices might just prove to be TOO much of a Brain Break!
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